The presidency of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, began on January 20, 2021, after he took the oath of office during the inauguration.
During the last 12 months of Trump’s presidency, the US bought oil from Russia at an average price of $250,098,740 per month. After Biden became president, the amount increased to $828,850,440 per month during the first 12 months of his presidency. This means that Russia was earning significantly more money for its oil in the first year of Biden’s presidency.
In March 2022, an embargo was imposed on Russia, which affected the oil and gas sector. Despite this, the US continued to buy oil from Russia and paid $457,653,000 for it, significantly exceeding the monthly payment amount that Russia received under Trump. In April 2022, despite the ongoing military actions, the US also continued to buy oil from Russia and paid $72,162,020 for it.
Overall, the amounts of money that Russia receives for its oil from the US have significantly increased during the first year of Biden’s presidency, despite the imposed embargo. The US continued to buy oil from Russia and even increased the monthly payment amounts for it.

Cost of the Biden Ban on Public Lands
One week after taking office ( JANUARY 27, 2021), President Biden signed the “Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” to ban new oil and natural gas leasing on federal lands and waters...
Although the order does not ban permitting on existing leases, it will affect existing projects that are awaiting adjacent leases and tribal, state, and private horizontal wells that cannot avoid federal lands and minerals that lie along their laterals.
More at www.westernenergyalliance.org/biden_ban_public_land.html
According to the Townhall article, the Republican Study Committee compiled a list of 81 actions taken by Biden that led to high gas prices. Some of the actions include blocking the Keystone XL pipeline, curtailing oil and gas leases while expanding offshore wind leases, canceling the oil and gas lease sales in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and rejoining the Paris climate agreement. Additionally, Biden’s campaign promise to “end fossil fuel” has been cited as a contributing factor to high gas prices.
HOUSE.GOV official a_promise_kept.pdf (house.gov)
TO: Republican Study Committee members
FROM: Chairman Jim Banks
DATE: March 25, 2022
RE: A Promise Kept: Biden’s War on American Energy
A Promise Kept:
Biden’s War on American Energy
On September 9, 2019, then-candidate Joe Biden made a clear and unequivocal promise:
I want you to just take a look. I want you to look into my eyes. I guarantee you; I guarantee you, we are going to end fossil fuel, and I am not
going to cooperate with them.”
At the Republican Study Committee, we hoped Biden was bluffing. After all, he made all kinds of crazy promises on the campaign trail.
But we decided to take a closer look. Biden promised a War on Energy. 15 months into his presidency, gas prices reached an all-time
high. Is that because Joe Biden actually kept a promise?
I had my staff do a deep dive, and the results are startling. President Biden has waged an unprecedent, government-wide assault on our
nation’s ability to produce cheap, reliable energy.
Below is a list of the Biden administration’s anti-energy actions, side-by-side with the average price Americans paid at the pump that
week. Do you notice a trend?
Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of Biden’s fight to “end fossil fuels,” and its costs for American consumers:
a_promise_kept.pdf (house.gov)
Keystone pipeline officially canceled after Biden revokes key permit
Keystone XL was halted by owner TC Energy after U.S. President Joe Biden this year revoked a key permit needed for a U.S. stretch of the 1,200-mile project.
The Keystone XL pipeline was expected to carry 830,000 barrels per day of Alberta oil sands crude to Nebraska….
Numbers and information AI ChatGPT

Source: www.westernenergyalliance.org/biden_ban_public_land.html