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Mayor Adams Releases Statement on NYPD Body Cam Footage in Sutter Avenue Subway Shooting

Mayor Eric Adams has issued a statement following the release of NYPD body camera footage from the September 15, 2024, Sutter Avenue subway shooting. Offering condolences to the innocent bystanders, Adams highlighted the city’s commitment to public safety and justice while addressing the ongoing investigation. He reiterated his focus on police reform, calling for a professional and impartial NYPD that ensures the safety of all New Yorkers.

Mayor Adams’ Statement on Release of NYPD Body Camera Footage in Sutter Avenue Subway Shooting

New York City Mayor Eric Adams tonight released the following statement following the release of New York City Police Department (NYPD) body camera footage in the Sutter Avenue subway shooting that occurred on Sunday, September 15, 2024:

“Our condolences go out to the innocent bystanders involved in this incident and their families, and like all New Yorkers, we’re praying for their immediate recovery. No one wants to see innocent people get hurt because anytime an a New Yorker is injured during a crime, we all, collectively, share the profound pain.

“We all agree that public safety and justice are the prerequisites to prosperity and they must go hand-in-hand. Every day, we are fighting to reduce crime on our streets and in our subways, and our administration remains committed to keeping New Yorkers safe.

“While this matter remains under investigation, the NYPD’s initial review found that this shooting took place after the suspect involved brandished a dangerous weapon and put officers’ lives at risk. While the formal review continues, and out of respect for that process, I will avoid commenting any further.

“As a young man, and throughout my career as a former police officer and as an elected official, I’ve spent my career fighting for both public safety and police reform, and I have been clear that I expect a Police Department that is professional, impartial, and just. The NYPD continues to work diligently to ensure New Yorkers are both safe and policed fairly.”

September 20, 2024 New York city Hall

Sources: Midtown Tribune newsNew York City Hall NYC.gov
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